Founded in November 2021 through a joint venture between M10 Industries AG and ZAHORANSKY AG, we are driving the transition to renewable energies with compact evolutionary power. Our SURFACE stringer machine has enabled us to lay the cornerstone for module manufacturers to position themselves on a broader basis and tap new sales potential.
Backed by the know-how of 30 years in the interconnection of photovoltaic cell strips, we joined forces with Fraunhofer ISE to develop and perfect the Shingle Matrix Technology. The SURFACE serial machine connects up efficient and lead-free crystalline PV cell strips (of any type and size) using ECA and generates a masonry pattern – unparalled in the world – which covers the surface of the module.
The highly efficient Shingle Matrix Technology is particularly sustainable due to its clean production processes – also in terms of module recycling. Lead-free production means that the modules are no longer considered hazardous waste.
“There is no stopping the change” – and naturally we source only green energy from the Black Forest for our production.
Eclipsing competition in the solar industry: 30 years of expertise in photovoltaics meshes with 120 years of automation expertise.
What is driving the future of the technology? In our Tech Corner you will find valuable information on ground-breaking innovations and discoveries in the field of solar technology. Register now and don’t miss out on contributions.
You can put the brakes on us –
but you can’t stop us!
Entrepreneur & pioneer in the German solar energy sector
We have been a driver of innovation in the market since 1996. Discover our rich history.
The founding of Zahoransky
Founding of W&S (Reinhard Willi & Günter Schneidereit)
The world’s first and largest automated, independent solar factory equipped and supplied with automated soldering machines/stringers
Innovation: fully automated D6 Stringer
W&S Maschinenbau: name of company changed to SOMONT GmbH
Innovation: RAPID, the first high-performance stringer
Sale of Somont GmbH to Meyer Burger Technology AG
Founding of M10 Industries AG
Innovation: KUBUS, the world’s fastest cell soldering machine
Innovation: SHIRKAN, the world’s first machine with ECA Shingle Matrix Technology, developed together with Fraunhofer ISE
Founding of M10 Solar Equipment GmbH (joint venture between M10 Industries AG and ZAHORANSKY AG)
SURFACE, the world’s fastest ECA cell connecting machine
SURF-X, the world’s first no-solder flexible auto bussing machine
We are at hand to assist you.
Are you a module manufacturer and would you like to have more detailed information on our products?
We would be delighted to help you.
Made with by Markentrainer Werbeagentur GmbH
Made with by Markentrainer Werbeagentur GmbH